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歌谱:bastard son and the spoiled one(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: 70

Song: The bastard son and the spoiled one
Artist: Two thirty eight

If anyone can figure out the bass for this song I would like it.

C#m D#m E G#m F#m B C
G 6 8 9 13 11 4 5
D x x x x x x x
A 4 6 7 11 9 2 3
E x x x x x x x

/ = slide up
\ = slide down
intro and verse:

C#m / D#m / E \ C#m (2 times)

C#m C / G#m \ F#m \ E

little bridge thing:

E / F#m / G#m \ E


and repeat
* on the 2nd time doin the "little bridge thing" vibrate the G
string on the chords

Then this part......
"I not the greatful bastards son, Im the rich and spoiled one....."

G 16
D 14 14 and repeat...
A 16

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