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歌谱:deep inside(TXT吉他谱)

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Song: Deep Inside
Artist: Incubus
Album: S.C.I.E.N.C.E
Tabbed by Spooney (spoonbass@users.basstabarchive.com)

I came across the 揇eep Inside?tab by Cavan Papp, but a couple of details
were off, so I re-tabbed it all. I also put in my interpretation of every
fill Alex (Dirk Lance) puts in on the various riffs through the song, so
it took quite a while. I抦 not entirely sure of the heavy parts or the
interludes ?there are some notes for a possible 5-string version ?but if
you have a better one please tell me. Enjoy!

Main Riff Variation (Drums enter)
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